Posted on 14 Nov 2013, 9:28 pm, by admin, under
I use a programming environment called ‘Delphi’. My version, Delphi 7, is rather old now but is still widely acclaimed to be the best version that was written. Much like Windows, it reached a peak after which there was only one way it could go. It was written in the days of Windows XP, so […]
Like most people who’ve been dabbling in computer-building and repairs for more years than I care to think about, coupled with my ‘come in handy one day’ mentality meant I’d acquired a fair-sized pile of spare parts. Some are even brand new, in their original boxes. It’s the sort of stuff that charity shops tend […]
My first desktop computer’s operating system was called DOS 6.2. When you fired it up, once the computer had run though its own system checks (called the BIOS POST – Basic Input/output system, Power On Self-Test), you were shown a prompt on an otherwise black screen: DOS > To run a program, say a word […]