I think this is the second update since iOS7 was released (escaped?) mid-September. The first one apparently fixed the bug which allowed the lock screen to be by-passed. There’s quite a long list of changes associated with this latest update (7.0.3). The most notable addition is probably iCloud Keychain. From a quick read of the […]
Posted on 18 Oct 2013, 1:37 pm, by admin, under
Most of my electronics projects these days use micro-controller chips because they allow quite complicated circuits to be built with relatively few components. My “favourite” micro-controller is the ATmega328. It has 28 pins, most of which can be used to connect input devices, such as switches, buttons, light sensors, temperature sensors, and so on or […]
Anyone who happens to glance at my front windows first thing in the morning, might think I’m the classic ‘nosy neighbour’ if they catch me peeping through a crack in the curtains, trying hard not to be seen. Truth is, I’m hiding from a flock of ducks! Eight or so of them wait patiently on […]