Sorry mate, I didn’t see yer….
I like a good moan now and then but only a specially selected few make it to the blog.
Just getting out of my car at the local Tesco Express when a commercial van pulled in and parked (I use the word loosely) alongside.
I was standing at the checkout and the driver was waiting at one of the automated checkout machines a few yards away when he shouted across to me asking what I was looking at. “I’m looking for your sticks. You’re parked in the disabled bay,” I shouted back. “Oh, am I. I didn’t notice.” End of conversation.
The one-and-only disabled bay, that everyone else had left free, is, sensibly, right outside the store entrance – the half-dozen or so empty bays would have entailed a 5 or 6 yard walk.
It’s good to see that Euro Car Parts are an equal opportunities employer but I question whether someone with eyesight as bad as his should really have been given a driving job.
Seriously, although the markings are a bit worn, they’re plain enough for anyone who should be driving to see.
Nothing annoys me more than a fully-fit 30-odd year old taking advantage of people who are disabled! Pratt.