The Toolbar

RouterStats automatically saves your configuration settings when it is closed but you can save the settings at any time by clicking the Save configuration button.

Once RouterStats has been configured and tested, press the green Run button to begin plotting the graphs and the black Stop button to stop/pause. RouterStats will plot a point on each graph at the interval you set on the Graphs Common Settings Tab. The status bar indicates the time the graph was started.

If you are using a Netgear DG834 series router, the following dialogue may appear when you press the Run button. The default setting is for RouterStats to use the same search method to locate the stats for all routers but, by pressing 'OK', RouterStats will use a much more accurate built-in search function which works exclusively with the Netgear DG834 series of routers.

If you have already selected the built-in DG834 search function on the System Tab or on the Router Search Text -> "Get Page" Tab, the dialogue will not appear again here.

If a Scheduled Capture time has been set, you can click the small down-arrow to the right of the Run button and select a delayed start.

RouterStats will then only plot points on the graphs as shown below . Note that it's not necessary to have any actual graphs selected for image capture (unless, of course, you want to capture the images as well).

Note that RouterStats will monitor and plot points on the graphs until it is stopped. To enable the graphs to be scrolled backwards in time, the value of each point needs to be stored in memory so each graph consumes 28 to 30 bytes of memory for each plotted point.


To copy the visible portion of a graph to the clipboard, press the Copy button. It can then be pasted into any application that accepts images from the clipboard (Wordpad, MS Word, Paint programs etc).

View Log

If a text-based log has been enabled on the System & Log Tab, it may be viewed at any time by pressing the View Log button

Create Log

If you have not enabled the Log on the System Tab but subsequently see something 'interesting' on one of the graphs, you can create a log from the graphs by pressing the Copy Graph To Log button. If you choose an existing filename for the log, the new data will be added to the end of the existing data.

View Router Log

The View Router Log button will attempt to retrieve the router's Log. Please note that this only works with the Netgear DG834(G) routers. A new window will open to display the log. Right-click the window for its own popup menu (Copy, Select All and Save As)

Graph Viewer

Graphs that have been captured with the scheduler can be viewed by pressing the button to open the graph image viewer.

Right-click either window for the pop-up menu.