The System Tab

Here, you can set the usual system options.

When Close to system tray is checked, right-click the RouterStats system tray icon to bring up the Popup menu and click Close RouterStats to close RouterStats.

Please note that the Start sample timer automatically checkbox is to begin the sample timer automatically when RouterStats is opened (equivalent to pressing the Run button) . It is not to open RouterStats when Windows starts. As the latter would require a Windows Registry change, it goes against my programming philosophy that my programs should never change any system files. If you really want this option, simply drag a RouterStats shortcut into the Windows Startup folder.

If Show Rx Noise value on RouterStats icons is checked, the current Rx-Noise value will be displayed on the RouterStats Titlebar Icon and on the System Tray icon:

If the Router is a Netgear DG834(G, GT) checkbox is checked, RouterStats will use internal parameters in order to determine the Downstream and Upstream Noise Margin and Connection Speed values. This should result in a much more accurate and consistent retrieval of the values.

Routers which use the period (.) as the thousands separator and the comma (,) as the decimal separator may prevent RouterStats evaluating the numbers correctly. Use the 'combobox' to select how your router displays numbers.

Some routers can use the same decimal separator as the Operating System but some routers can't. If your router uses the period (.) as the separator but the Operating System uses the comma, checking the My regional decimal separator is a comma checkbox should help RouterStats evaluate the Noise Margin values correctly.


If you're not interested in the alarms and/or the system messages, you can clear the main RouterStats window of cluttter by unchecking the appropriate checkbox.

The Netgear router (and probably others) can return some strange values. Huge Noise Margin values when a negative number should be returned, and so on. Checking the Correct results for known router errors may help to catch some of these.

The Log Tab

File Format Tab

RouterStats can keep a log as a simple text file. Check the Enable log checkbox and select a suitable folder and filename.

If Start new log each day with this format: is checked, the date/time format indicated will automatically be added to the Log filename.

In this special case, a filename need not be specified for the Log - in which case the Log filename will simply be the date/time format specified.

It is still necessary to specify a folder name, of course.

The log entries can be saved as comma separated values or Tab separated values by selecting the appropriate radio button.

The Date/Time format of each log entry can be can be specified by entering a new formatting string in the Date/Time format box. Use 'tokens' as shown below. Any other text will be printed literally.

ddd          = Day of the week (Mon, Tue).
dd           = Day of the month (14, 15 etc)
mmm          = Month (Jan, Feb etc)
mm           = Month (01, 02 etc)
yy and yyyy  = 2 and 4-digit year.

hh           = Hours
mm or nn     = Minutes (mm can only be used if it immediately follows hh)
ss           = Seconds

Check the Append data automatically... checkbox if you don't want to confirm this action whenever RouterStats starts up. (This box needs to be checked if you enable the log and select Start automatically)

Schedule & Options Tab

The Schedule

The default setting is for RouterStats to log the data every time it retrieves it from the router (Log every sample) but the number of log entries can be reduced by checking the Log every...xx minutes checkbox and entering a time between 1 and 120 minutes.

Please note that the Log every...xx minutes time interval uses a low-priority timer so the interval is not particularly accurate.

Additional Logging Options

RouterStats will always log data from graphs that have their Include in Log popup context menu item checked. Here you will find additional logging options.

RouterStats keeps a running average of the Downstream Noise Margin figure over a certain number of samples. If the Log Rx Noise Margin changes... checkbox is checked, the change will be logged. This could be useful to log sudden unexpected changes but to ignore the gradual decline that occurs at night. The number of samples is the same as set on the Alarms -> Alarm Setpoints Tab.

Both upward and downward changes will be logged. The Alarm settings also allow the changes to be logged but upward and downward setpoint changes can be adjusted and logged separately.

For the Netgear DG834 series routers, an additional checkbox is available to write to the log whenever the connection status of the router changes. Note that this is independent of the Router ppp session has disconnected alarm condition so, if alarms are written to the log, the log may contain two disconnected notifications for the same event.

Setting the checbox here will log both Connections and Disconnections. The checkbox on the Alarm Setpoints tab only monitors and logs Disconnections.