The Graphs

Selecting Graphs To Be Plotted

Normally the six graphs - Downstream (Rx) Noise margin, Upstream (Tx) Noise margin, Downstream Sync Speed, Upstream Sync Speed and a User-defined graphs - will be plotted. To economize on CPU and memory usage, the graphs may be selected individually by using these checkboxes.

If you select or de-select a graph once RouterStats has started plotting, it's recommended that you close RouterStats completely and re-open it. This is especially recommended if all the graphs are configured to be dragged together.

User-defined Graphs - Maximum and Minimum

The default action of the two User-defined graphs is for the y-axis maximum and minimum to adjust automatically such that, when the scale adjusts, the maximum is 20% above the measured value and the minimum is 20% below.

Sometimes it can be useful to 'pin' the minumum value at some point. If you don't want the minimum value to adjust, depress the blue Pin button.

(These buttons are only available when the corresponding Adjust axis automatically checkbox is checked on the Graphs Configuration Tab.)

If the user-defined y-axis has automatically adjusted, a green triangle will show that the scale has adjusted and the graph may be dragged vertically with the mouse.


The graphs can be dragged by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the graph. If the Ctrl Key is held down, all six graphs will be dragged in unison. A checkbox on the graphs configuration tab eliminates the need to hold the Ctrl Key - useful if you always want to drag the graphs together.

The graphs cannot be dragged left or right until at least one page of the graph has been plotted but may be dragged vertically by holding down either the Shift Key or the Alt Key.

The graphs can be dragged vertically in two ways:

If the Shift Key is held down while the graph is dragged, the graph can be scrolled vertically.

A checkbox on the graphs configuration tab ("Allow graphs to be dragged vertically") eliminates the need to hold the Shift key - useful if you always want to be able to drag the graphs vertically.

If the Alt key is held down, the graph will scroll vertically but the minimum value on the graph's vertical axis (usually zero) will be "pinned" and only the graph's maximum value will change - in effect, stretching or compressing the vertical axis.

By using the Shift and Alt Keys, it is, therefore, relatively simple to set both the minimum and maximum values.

The graphs will restore automatically to the current time (horizontally) when the next sample is plotted so it may be more convenient to temporarily stop the sample timer with the Stop button if you want to keep the graphs dragged backwards for more than a few seconds.


This icon indicates the graph has been selected for capture but the time is outside the scheduled capture time.
This icon indicates the graph has been selected for capture and the time is within the scheduled capture time (or the Always radio button is selected).
This icon indicates the graph has been selected for capture and a time has been set for a 'one off ' capture each day.

The Popup Menu - Min, Max and Averages

A blue i alongside an item indicates that it is for information only. Other items are clickable or checkable items.

Right-click on the graph to display the minimum, maximum and average data values.

A "rolling average" over a defined number of samples is also shown. For the Rx Noise Margin, Rx Sync Speed and the two User-defined graphs, the defined number is set on the Extras tab in the main graphs' configuration. Other graphs use the number of samples defined for the Rx Noise Margin.

For the Rx Noise Margin, Rx Sync Speed and the two User-defined graphs, their rolling average will be plotted on the graphs if the appropriate checkbox is checked on the Extras Tab (in the main configuration). If one plot is obscured by the other, the "rearmost" plot can be brought to the front by checking the Swap Plots popup menu item.

The Downstream Sync Speed graph also shows the Expected IP Profile. This is a figure set at the exchange and determines your maximum data throughput. It's proportional to the Sync Speed but can take several days to catch up. RouterStats shows the expected IP Profile based on the current Sync Speed.

If you have set a 'Capture Folder', you can also set the scheduled capture or capture a graph image immediately from this menu. The scheduled capture is the same as checking the checkbox in the Graph Configuration but is also included here for convenience.

The default setting for RouterStats is to log all six graphs (if Logging is enabled). Individual graphs may be selected by checking or un-checking the Add To Log menu item.

The two User-defined graphs have additional popup menu items. These Radio Button items have the same effect as the two Radio Buttons used during the User-defined "Mark Text" configuration. Please note, however, that changing between "data per sample" and "raw data" could have a huge impact on the vertical axis of the graph making small plotted changes difficult to see.

Overlaying Sync Speed on the Noise Margin Graph

The Downstream Noise Margin graph can also plot the Downstream Sync Speed by checking the Overlay Sync Speed menu item. A new vertical scale will be displayed on the right hand edge of the graph. This allows the two most important values to be seen at a glance and captured on a single graph.

The right-hand (Sync Speed) scale will always adjust automatically. The colour of the plot and the right-hand label will be the same as set for the main Sync Speed graph's plot colour. The left-hand (Noise Margin) scale will adjust according to the setting on the Configuration | Graphs | Y-axis limits & colours Tab (ie automatically or set manually).

To align the horizontal grid lines with the right-hand scale, click anywhere on the graph's right-hand scale. To align the horizontal grid lines with the left-hand scale, click anywhere on the graph's left-hand scale.

Please note that all other items on the Downstream Noise Margin popup menu refer to the Noise Margin graph.

This Sync Speed plot is just a "lightweight" version of the main Sync Speed graph. In particular: If you wish the Sync Speed to be included in the Log, you must check the menu item on the Sync Speed's own graph. Other Sync Speed values, such as maximum, minimum and average values, Expected IP profile, etc. are also only available on the main Sync Speed graph's menu.

Toolbar Icons

The number of points plotted per page may be temporarily reduced to expand the graph's timeline by selecting Expand Timeline. Selecting Restore Timeline will restore the timeline to the default value set in the graphs configuration. Note that the Scheduled Capture assumes the default setting when determining when to capture each page.

When the timeline is expanded, the expansion factor is indicated below the toolbar.


The envelope icon indicates RouterStats has sent an e-mail. Click on the icon to open your default e-mail program or reset the icon (see E-mail)